It Starts With Awareness
It’s easy for all of us to say that we won’t litter, but sometimes, littering is somewhat accidental. Sometimes, lightweight articles fly out of truck beds or car windows. Sometimes, food wrappers or tissues fall out of our pockets while we’re walking or riding a bike. Awareness is the first tool in litter reduction. That’s why we encourage you to ‘take the pledge’ and post it somewhere visible as a reminder of your commitment to a Litter Free Cape Cod.
Two pledges follow: a simple pledge and a children’s pledge. PDFs of the pledges can be easily downloaded and printed where you can check off the boxes for what you’re willing to do!
Simple Pledge
- I pledge not to litter anything, anytime, anywhere!
- I pledge to pick up litter when I see it!
- And I pledge to encourage everyone to do the same!

Simple Pledge
Children’s Pledge
- I pledge to help keep Cape Cod beautiful by not littering.
- I pledge to place litter in the proper recycling or waste bin or in a litter bag that I take home with me to dispose of correctly.
- I pledge to help remove litter from where I live right away because I know that leaving it there will attract more litter.
- I pledge not to litter even when there’s no trash or recycling bin handy.
- I pledge not to litter even if I’m not being watched.
- I pledge not to litter even if my litter is something really, really small.
- I pledge not to litter even if I think my litter isn’t litter.
- And I pledge to encourage my family and friends to do the same!