Partners and Sponsors
We appreciate the financial support that we receive from our sponsors and partners as well as the in-kind and moral support that we receive from our friends. In fact, without the Friends of Monomoy, the Hot Stove Saloon and Massachusetts Beverage Association, we wouldn’t be as successful at raising awareness and educating the public about the perils and cost of littering.
Are you interested in creating an initiative with us? Maybe you just want to help financially? Reach out to us at to hear more about the benefits.
Friendly Collaborators
Collaboration comes in many forms. In the case of Take Care Cape Cod, the Cape Cod Anti-Litter Coalition is one of three organizations on the Cape that have chosen to pool their talents and enthusiasm relative to a litter free Cape Cod. CCALC is the educational arm of the collaborative, focused on litter awareness and prevention, while CARE for the Cape & Islands handles marketing for the TakeCareCapeCod campaign. The Center for Coastal Studies collects and interprets data from the many litter collections held throughout the year on Cape Cod, providing the collaborative with critical data for the fight against litter. Since 2018, the collaborative has successfully sponsored multiple half-day conferences as well as many ZOOM conferences of late. Nearly 50 different organizations attend the meetings to help develop strategies for reducing and preventing litter.

Ray Brown’s Talkin’ Birds is a radio show and podcast about birds, bird watching and conservation, including how to birdwatch and pick up litter at the same time. It’s called “plirding.”

Check out their websites.